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Micro Influencer Marketing
Benefits of Micro Influencers

Interested in influencer marketing but apprehensive about the mega-influencers out there? Clear all your doubts about micro-influencer agencies and marketing and it’s time to recap you about the possible advantages associated with the Micro-Influencer Marketing Agency and Industry. The Micro-Influencer Marketing Industry is expanding at an all level high with no signs of a slowdown; famous for being more personal and authentic.

Note down the benefits of being a part of a Micro-Influencer Industry and carve out your own niche!

Here are the nine nuggets of wisdom shared as to how starting micro is a way to go: 

  1. Cost-effective

A celebrity influencer will charge minimum in lakhs of rupees, for endorsement of just a single post. So, Micro-Influencer marketing agency suggests that unless you are a huge brand with deep pockets, it may not prove to be worthy and beneficial.

Micro Influencer Marketing Agency believes Nano and Micro-influencers are much more affordable and are more likely to recommend your brand in exchange for free products. It mainly depends on the number of followers and engagement rates, but even on average it will be comparatively cheaper.

According to Micro-Influencer marketing agency, 44% of smaller influencers prefer monetary compensation.

With relatively lesser monetary compensation, brands will have more budget to associate with micro-influencers and can consider working with more than one to cast a wider net and reach higher engagement rates.

  1. Engagement Rates

Micro-Influencer marketing agency reports that on average, micro and nano-influencers enjoy an engagement rate of around 7% while other influencers have an only an engagement rate of about 3.21% and lower.

Engagement with micro and nano-influencers is a huge benefit to the brands that have associated with themes well as the users who enjoy a better and more personal experience.

The Micro-Influencer marketing agencies are booming rapidly because, in comparison to celebrity influencer accounts, micro-influencers are able to interact with their audience more frequently and quickly via likes, follows, and responding to questions and comments.

This higher interaction leads to the establishment of a deeper connection and thus, higher engagement rates with these micro-influencers translate into being an active advocate of the brand, and not just reduced to merely posting something for endorsement.

  1. Conversion Rates

According to a survey by a Micro-Influencer marketing agency, 49% of people trust the recommendations made by influencers to make their purchase decisions.

While making a purchasing decision, other people’s opinions and recommendations really do hold value and a micro-influencer is likely to talk through common pains the audience feels in relation to the product and is able to get real with them.

Micro Influencer marketing agency believes that this connection not only helps to spread the word about the product but also helps in converting into product sales. This implies that the investment can go long ways by associating with them due to high conversion rates.

4. Real connection

According to research by a Micro-Influencer marketing agency, not all followers for influencers may be real and some iffy behavior on the follower counts of influencers has been reported.

Micro-influencers come in all forms and sizes. Each of them has a specific area of, style, expertise, and brand appeal to a particular kind of audience. That’s why they develop a unique, close, and personal bond with their viewers.

It has also been noticed by the Micro-Influencer marketing agency that there’s a very little problem with fake followers on account of micro influencers and so it is ensured that the targeted followers are real and the engagement is authentic.

5. Relatable and Credible

A survey done by a top Micro-Influencer marketing agency revealed that people rated relatability twice as important as popularity. 61 % of people find information from “people like me” to be credible and they gained the most trust in this category.

The traditional influencer with hundreds of thousands of followers feels more like a celebrity than a close friend. But people find micro-influencers much more relatable and at peer levels with them.

  1. Genuine Content

Micro-Influencer Marketing companies in India realize that 79 % of consumers expect a brand to prove it cares and understands their needs before they consider a purchasing decision.

That’s why Micro Influencers are better at prompting the audience to respond with their more personal captions.

According to a survey by a top-notch Micro-Influencer marketing agency, there is a 72% correlation between content that impacts a person’s well-being and its effectiveness. That’s why, Influencer Marketing Agencies marketing a brand, are primarily focusing on creating meaningful content for their customers rather than on monetization.

This will help micro influencers increase the audience’s engagement and will lend greater credibility to them.

  1. Repeated sales and awareness

While celebrity influencers with vanity metrics are not much in demand, micro influencers have been proven effective partners for businesses of all sizes. Through authentic content, they drive top-of-funnel sales and traffic. With high-quality content posted consistently, consumers will be able to identify with the micro influencers more strongly; translating into repeated sales.

Micro-Influencer marketing agency suggests that brands can start capitalizing on the stronger partnership built on trust and mutual interests with the micro influencers, keeping in mind their target markets.

  1. Product reviews

Micro-Influencer marketing agencies believe that micro and nano-influencers have the capability to reach smaller and more passionate audiences that broader campaigns may miss.

Micro influencers prove to be a great marketing asset when leveraged for product reviews, product promotion both on their social media handles and on retailers. They should provide a truthful and authentic verdict about the products, provided with full disclosure of their part in the seeding campaign. Messaging and offers can be tailored for the micro and nano influencer’s audience. And the offer should be authentic and organic enough for the brand’s product in order for the audience to fully embrace the post and the product.

  1. Effective business Partnerships

Micro-influencers may not be giant in scale, but they overcome they’re lacking with a loud, deep, and profound impact. Adding to being cost-effective more often than not, Micro-Influencer marketing agency suggests that adding them on board as a creative and collaborative partner will increase the business efficiency of both the parties by many folds. Micro influencers are relied upon for their creative insights; forming a strong partnership with the brand, which will further lead to a successful micro influencer marketing campaign.

To establish a successful partnership, Micro Influencer Marketing Agency advises the brand to choose a micro-influencer who will prove to be an organic fit to their brand voice and will compliment it. They should focus on inviting them as a member of an extended family, and view the relationship not just a promotional transaction but a long-term building opportunity.


Abhishek Prasad

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